Ever heard the saying “he has a dog in the hunt” Well it is more than just a southern thing…
Having a dog in the hunt means that the person of whom it is being said is not being honest about things they say because they have an interest in the outcome. In the image below you see that President Trump is far ahead of course that might change over time but why is the AP counting VA for Biden?
Do they know something that no one else knows?
If they do then why are they not sharing that information?
This is what the media have become…
They have a dog in the hunt and it is showing…
Take a look at this… They show Biden with 16 electorial votes to President Trumps 13.. But how is that even possible?
Look at the map it indicates that VA will go for biden but the vote count does not show that now does it?
This is how the AP muddies the water and it is just
plain wrong…
Social Media are actively suppressing search results.
In fact you would be hard pressed to actually find the real state vote totals.
Why is this something that is allowed to continue year after election year?
Perhaps it is time to start doing the right thing about these liars in the media and on social media.
Now the AP is showing Biden with 85 electoral votes but that is not correct at all…
In reality it’s probably better to just watch something else on TV until later in the evening because everything right now is just a lot of manipulation.
This has the added benefit of depriving these false news organizations of advertising viewers.