So, were starting to see the Media play a game called split the Republican party, the thing is most people already know that the media are biased and for the most part just plain stupid.
But usually you do not see people like Bill orielly try to play bully with the republican party, tonight he seemed to be suggesting that there was a civil war coming for the republicans and that the democrats would win if this happened, but just a few years ago he had a lot of different things to say on this issue, so is he just waffling or is he really saying that he is more of a democrat than an American.
You see this is not about Republican or Democrat or Independent, or what ever Bill thinks he is today.
Its about being Responsible, Its about not spending more money than you have to spend.
Its about People its not about race, its not about if you are a man or a woman, its not about what part of town you live in its all about who you are and that is American.
Were sick and tired of hearing that the Republican party is finished, you know its bull and we do too.
The Media is full of it the only difference is that now most of American knows it.
They can try to do what they think will help them win in 2014 but nothing they do will change what is happening in America the people are back.
Even the Great and blind, (allegedly) Bill orielly cannot spin his way out of this one.