Category: journalism is dead

  • Election Fraud on the rise

    Voting machines that switch votes? Hundreds of thousands of ballots? More voters than residents in towns? Once again we see many of the bad behaviors that have plagued US elections for many years including the dead rising to vote. Incentives voting,  There are always a few situations where fraud rises up to create a problem…

  • The end of prosperity

    Is this the end of American Prosperity? Will Barack hussein Obama be the last American President? Is this the hope and the change that you wanted? The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1941, a total of 12 years. Almost 50 percent of all the children in the US did not have enough food or…

  • Join the NRA or only criminals will have guns.

    One year after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are in… A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun control advocates respond “Just wait… we’ll be safer… you’ll see…”. OBSERVABLE FACT,…

  • How the FCC could shut down Fox news?

    Will Fox Fall to the Trap setup by the liberals in Washington? We ask this question not because we really think that fox news is this stupid, but because we think that fox news may have producers that are that stupid. Will Fox news be so ignorant as to fall for this trap? So you…