Category: chris wallace liberal?

  • Pandering Political Pundits

    Pandering is not really a nice word but that does not seem to stop all of these so called Washington Insiders from constantly trying to defeat Donald Trump… That is really interesting because so far it has not worked well for them. (Many of them are now Former Politicians) When you hear the media crying…

  • Chris Wallace Racist?

    Is Chris Wallace a Racist? Its possible, perhaps even probable, if you consign the idea that perhaps he is biased in favor of liberal mentations. Just today, Mr. Chris Wallace was allowed to attack (not physically mind you) but verbally attack Ben Carson and no one defended the truth about the lie that Chris Wallace…

  • Email Gate Clinton Scandal?

    Is Email Gate, a Scandal? Well, Yes, it is, not just because she broke the laws of the United States of America, but also because she destroyed Government property. She admits that she destroyed some 30,000 Emails. This is a huge problem, forget for a moment that it was illegal and unethical. WE can forgive…

  • homeless hungry used as mules?

       This is a story that you may think is fiction, it may sound like the latest in popular fiction, in fact there are some online that are presenting theories about the evil events in Boston that occurred for the first time in 12 years. There are some that are saying that there were police…