Category: biased debates
The Naked Press
We all should know that anyone who continues to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is insane. Are the press and the media really expecting anyone to trust anything they say? in·sane adjective in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally…
Press Becoming Desperate
Despite beating the Trump Drum, which is mostly much ado about Nothing… The Press and the Media are watching as their candidate is loosing this election. No matter what they do it keeps coming out negative for the democrats. They keep on pushing non issues that people neither believe nor trust and it is because…
Undeniable Political Interloper
The Media have been making hay recently about a few comments that Donald Trump made about perhaps limiting the freedom of the press to engage in destructive politics. This is a good question and one that should be debated. The Media and the Press might object and then point to the constitution however those that…
FEC proposes Banning Fox News?
Big news and you know what else this might be the beginning of official censorship. FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox. WSJ political coverage source included. What does this mean for the greatly dishonest media?
Amazing Media Liars
You watch the news, (if you can stand it) and you look at all the nonsense that you know is just not honest or even accurate. Its Amazing really because the Media seem to believe that were all so ignorant that were going to believe what ever comes out of their mouths. The truth is…
the dangers of fools
What is wrong with a woman in office that does not do the right thing and allegedly fabricates a report that does not reflect the truth.
North Carolina race heats up
The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters. source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…
Ferguson riots
In many ways the idea that America is about to change in significant ways is something that should disturb you greatly. We have a situation where the word of one of the alleged robbers of a convenience store has been put out as truth. We know that from the autopsy diagram it is more than…