Category: ABC tabloid?

  • Press Becoming Desperate

    Despite beating the Trump Drum, which is mostly much ado about Nothing… The Press and the Media are watching as their candidate is loosing this election. No matter what they do it keeps coming out negative for the democrats. They keep on pushing non issues that people neither believe nor trust and it is because…

  • Media Rigged Election?

    In a News story today we have seen the truth exposed about what the media are engaging in during our elections. Naturally the Media denied that the truth we see is what we have seen over the last several presidential elections. We as a nation know this to be the truth. Even after the situation…

  • Undeniable Political Interloper

    The Media have been making hay recently about a few comments that Donald Trump made about perhaps limiting the freedom of the press to engage in destructive politics. This is a good question and one that should be debated. The Media and the Press might object and then point to the constitution however those that…

  • Desperate Media risk’s discovery

    The Media is so desperate that they are now risking being exposed as the frauds that they have become. When you have a movement of the people which is a true grass roots movement, you cannot squelch it. However the Media have tried to do just that because they have not been successful in influencing…

  • fox news touts fake polls?

    Well now this is not something new but you might be wondering what Fox news is doing when they show a poll where just a few hundred people are contacted and then they want to tell you that the poll is accurate for every person in the USA… Does that make sense? No, it does…

  • Pandering Political Pundits

    Pandering is not really a nice word but that does not seem to stop all of these so called Washington Insiders from constantly trying to defeat Donald Trump… That is really interesting because so far it has not worked well for them. (Many of them are now Former Politicians) When you hear the media crying…

  • brainwashing media

    According to the media Donald Trump is finished he has finally done the one thing that no one will ever want to vote for him… Oh, yes after saying the exact same thing over and over again for more than a year the media are ready to get started… They are ready to say now…

  • Hillarys America ?

    Hillarys America ?

    Truth or Fiction you decide… What you may not know about the real history you were never taught in school.

  • Predictably corrupt media polls

    The most recent polls taken by CBS show Hillary ahead of Trump in one state. If you look at the hard data which the predictably corrupt media do not make obvious you would see that they called 1300 give or take homes and got an answer to their liking. But what if you had all…

  • Benghazi is over

    Is it as we have seen on TV where a Presidential candidate feigned arrogance and disdain for a congressional grilling to find out why Hilary Clinton (lied) to the American people on 911 when four brave Americans died. That should truly be enough to show just how un qualified this woman is to run for…