Over the last several years we have seen a trend in the media that creates a problem in the electoral process.
Consider this, the media can influence the outcome of an election because of how they choose to cover that election and the candidates that are running in that election.
If only one viewpoint is presented is it then a fair contest?
Can we have legal elections if the media influences the outcome of an election by using psychological tactics to promote one candidate over another one, even perhaps promote one candidate that cannot win and then later turn on that same candidate and influence the voting public yet again, they might even be able to profit from this process.
The real question then becomes “should the media be directly involved in influencing elections?”
Should the media be accepting advertising dollars from corporate clients that have a direct interest in the outcome of an election?
When this happens, you have some real conflict of interest that might even be close to being a crime…
When you think about how often this happens, and how opinion then becomes a powerful psychological tool to help produce results and influence the outcome of an election then you have to ask the question should a law be passed to prevent the media from participating in an election by using psychological phrases and depicting a candidate in one way or another to attempt to influence that election process.
A great example occurred on Fox news just recently, when a bobble head, made a statement to the effect that a particular candidate might have not been telling the truth during a debate, now there was no direct evidence that this comment was true, however this bobble head, made the statement anyway even though they had no method of proving what they said, the problem was that the net result was that this bobble head created doubt in the minds of the viewing and voting public.
This “Bobble Head” caused an event to take place that cast doubt on this candidates ability to get elected, now that is interfering with an election.
This candidate may not be able to win votes, in the future because this media figure used psychological tricks to develop a doubt about this candidates ability to win an election, now that is just wrong, and this happened on Fox news, so perhaps it might be accurate to say that a media organization that participates unfairly in an election in this manner should be shut down because they have ceased to be a news company and have become instead an unauthorized participant in the election.
For years the media has been doing this type of thing and for the most part, they have gotten away with it, but it may be time to start a process to refute this practice and stop them from attempting to influence the American Electoral process.
The media should report the news.
The media should not make the news.
The Media should develop good reporting practices.
The media should not develop opinions with the intent to influence the way voters see any particular candidate.
People are not anywhere near as dumb as companies like Fox news think that they are and so it is time for the media to report the news and stop trying to derail a candidate based on opinion alone that is wrong and a law should be passed to prevent the media from making a profit when they do this, in fact they should be fined a big big fine, (more than they take in for advertising for that same time period) that would stop this insanity and create a real election again, because we have not had a fair election in a long long time.
It is time for the news media to step back from the brink of insanity.
As anyone will tell you when you actively engage in deception using psychology in this way, the result is insanity and it is wrong.
Advertisers, can no longer be allowed to pay a news company to influence the news that is just wrong, and it is evil.
Fox news is just as guilty as many of these other news companies have been in the past, and that is just as wrong as what these other so called news companies are doing now, when a so called “reporter” fails to report the news or fails to question a biased statement by a guest that is also wrong.
Two wrongs do not make a right, and it is time that the media “wake up” because this is not what classic journalism is about what the modern news media is all about is influencing elections, that is wrong, there is a difference between news, entertainment, and advertising, when a news company engages, in all three, and does not distinguish between these different methods of media, that is also wrong.
Bias in the media is a horrible thing because it take from citizens the right to make up their own minds, when bias rots the core of the media you cease to have a real reporting news company and you have a state run media, that is wrong.
The fact is that for more than 30 years the media has been doing this unquestioned, it is time that they stop doing this.