Time for a Break from the insanity of Washington and liberals?
Politics too much for you?
Have a Cup of coffee with granny, and let the stress of the day just roll off your shoulders.
Get a Great recipe and help out granny at the same time.
Ok, Ok, it is that time of year and yes, Granny has decided to share some of her most prized cooking secrets and trust us this is not something that happens very often, see granny is the one where when you have dinner or pot luck everyone asks did granny make this, and if you say yes, did, then look out because it will not last long in fact I have seen people line up to get granny’s deserts before they got the main course.
You have to know that Granny can cook and yes we do mean cook.
Visit Granny because you never know how long she will share this valuable information with the world.
Oh, yes, now I can tell you that if you have not had the honor of eating at grannies house then you can have the next best thing, step by step instructions on how to do it yourself, and we wont tell anyone that granny told you how to do it.