Fox news “The Wizard of OZ”

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You often see various different personalities on the news, often they are attractive blonds, or attractive guys, (depends on your point of view)

The thing is, too often it really seems to sound the same, they have these screens that prompt them to say what they are told to say by small minded, (allegedly) men who are often disdained by most people they meet, these protracted one track minded individuals often are called producers.

Its really a sad thing because even though you think that your watching personalities your really just hearing one voice.

You might be wondering just why the “bobble heads” say what they say in fact every once in a while you actually hear someone say something like well that is what the screen said to say!!!

Are you ignorant?

Are you Stupid?

While it might be easy to think of people you do not know in this way the truth is often very different.

Producers who speak behind the curtain like the fictional or in this case the not so fictional character, are much like the puppeteers, pulling the strings, spewing hate filled esoteric, ignorance at every available opportunity.

Its sick really when you stop to think about it, the truth is often something that the media has managed to obscure and hide by using smoke and mirrors and by using bobble heads to hide the true nature of what the media have become.

The media seem to have become some kind of conduit for the hate filled evil that we have come to know as the new face of journalism, it was not always this way.  In the past reporters used to actually report the news instead of repeat what the voice behind the curtain tells them to speak.

You see the danger here is that only one point of view is being broadcast, the actors may change but the voice remains the same that is a sick and perverted method of subverting the public discourse.

The only thing here to understand is that advertisers are by an large, the real violators here.

Stupid is as Stupid does…

When you purchase products that are advertised on these disgusting shows, that tell lie after lie, all the while pretending to be your best friend, you are supporting the lie, you are what you eat, what you view on TV.

Eventually the advertisers will come to understand that by associating themselves with these sub standard venues, that create ill will toward a certain class of people, that there will be a price to pay for that kind of behavior.

They think that people are too stupid to figure it all out.

They are wrong…