The Priority of the People

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Priority is a thing that must be developed and understood, in order to lead men must find the greater cause in life, beyond the petty bickering and name calling, the press conferences where men tell lies and pretend they are right when in reality they are wrong because they have the wrong priority.

The only priority is the people it has always been this way for men of good conscious must stand up as those that came before us else we risk the sacrifice of millions of Americans that gave their lives to protect the freedom we now enjoy, the freedom to engage in petty politics instead of attending to the needs of suffering Men Women and Children, who deserve the full attention of those that have sworn an oath to protect and to serve the will of the people.

When men ignore that high calling in favor of the views of the minority then the result is to create oppression, it is the ignorance of small minds that creates this mentality. When you see a man suffering would you not give him food and water, would you not find a child that needs comforting and help those that cannot help themselves, it is the people whom men of great office serve not their own agenda.

This is what it means to be an elected official, the words of office are not meaningless yet it appears that our own political system cannot put aside the agenda of the mindless in favor of the welfare of the people, we must find a way to put aside our differences or we risk the ending of our way of life, and it would appear that some would find this to be a desirable outcome one that they have been actively involved in trying to make happen, however what they have failed to understand is that causing the agenda of the minority to over ride the needs of the people will destroy any hope of humanity.

We cannot ignore the people in favor of one rule of thought over the will and the needs of the people, that would be foolish yet that is what is happening, this is why we must take our words of office as seriously as the day we took that oath, if the oath of office means nothing to you then you must for the good of the people resign and step down from your office so that other men who have the best interest of the people can step forward and lead the way that good men of the past have always led.

We may not always agree, We may not always understand what drives the agenda of opposition however we must never loose sight of the will of the people, we can no longer allow an Agenda to be the driving purpose, of politics. It is time to stand up for what our fathers and grandfathers sacrificed in order that our Nation might become free, that we might be free to pursue an agenda, but now is not the time for agenda, it is the time for priority and the priority is the people.

We face obstacles, yet we will overcome them, we may face diversity yet we are one people, we may face the agenda of the mindless yet the people must come first. When good men refuse to do the right thing, we all loose.