Tag: vote them out

  • America

    In a nice email we received the following… You know it is time, time to stand up for what you believe, time to vote, get out and vote them out. Dear Patriot, I would first like to thank the thousands of great Patriots who have supported our campaigns. Thanks to you, we are now one…

  • Tea Party Canidates

    The Tea Party is not like the media has tried to portray them, they are Americans just like you. It is time to vote them out and vote ours in. Find out why Millions of Americans have decided to take the plunge and support the Tea Party movement. The Liberal and alleged, Biased media have…

  • November comes

    We are the People and in November it will be time to throw the old bums out and vote in all new bums… Just Remember, Come November, We Will Remember. We will not forget, what has been done in the name of the liberals. You know what we have not forgotten, I have it up…

  • Republicians make mistake

    Looks like the republicans are allegedly stupid as the dems are Could the Repubs be in trouble at this late hour, after almost an assured victory in November they seem to allegedly be making all the wrong mistakes playing into the hands of the democrats. This is just crazy, you know what If the republicans…

  • border violence

    Will John McCain Stand up for Arizona? or will he be quite on the issue as he has been over the last few weeks, what is wrong with a man that will not stand up for the state in which he is a US senator? Perhaps it might be better to elect someone else. Arizona…

  • Dictator in the USA?

    What is going to happen to America? Will we loose our freedom? Are we faced with having a dictator in office? Will we become a third world country… Are will looking at a government dictator? This might sound crazy, but you have to ask because anytime, you see such a disparity in what the people…

  • food stamp fiasco

    Hey, what is going on in Washington… Ok, this is crazy, but apparently true, allegedly democrats, ( The Champion of the Poor and under privileged) Are prepared to take food out of the mouths of starving infants, (allegedly) probably not, but you never know what might happen next in this white house. What is wrong,…

  • nancy pelosi

    You have to pass it so you can know what is in it? Come one people, you are not that stupid, are you? Question why do people who go to Washington end up old and out of touch? I can see a young person being motivated to make changes that would help Americans. But when…

  • City of Phildelphia to Violate State and Federal Laws?

    Will the City of Philadelphia attempt to subvert Federal Commerce law in favor of regulating commerce on the Internet, as one popular story seems to be stating that the city is entitled to charge every blogger a fee to post on their blogs. Now that is just plain stupid, you know what the answer to…

  • Democrats loosing in the polls and november is coming…

    Batman, is robin really running for congress? perhaps, and Yes, that is right and you know the liberals dont even know it, this nation was founded on common sense ideas. Yes, and guess what else, it is like your staring in a movie, the democrats are so disconnected from the rest of the world and…