Tag: Taxpayer Money

  • media bias again?

    Can anyone beat the liberal media, and will Americans pay the price for evil men who have no conscious? Be very aware, we could be facing the second great depression very soon… This content was received in an email, (this contents are published here may not be the opinion of the owners of this website…

  • Unconstitutional

    How often in the last three years have we seen what amounts to criminal behavior in Washington go without any action or even a report by the liberally biased, media? (allegedly) Amazing stuff folks, yes, it is not the accepted method of handling Americas business, the problem is that no where in the constitution, does…

  • Debt crisis looms

    This was just received in an email it is amazing Washington is preparing to do next. Dear Patriot, Please find a special message from our paid sponsor, Independent Living. Sponsorships like this help us preserve liberty and freedom in the United States of America. We appreciate your support. Thank you, TheTeaParty.net Dear Fellow Taxpayer: Time…