Tag: stupid

  • Media no More?

    Over the last few days, one of the most important news stories of the year was not covered by some of the largest media providers in the nation. They made a choice not to provide that information to their viewers . They decided that the advertisers that paid Millions of dollars to advertise on those…

  • Fox news “The Wizard of OZ”

    You often see various different personalities on the news, often they are attractive blonds, or attractive guys, (depends on your point of view) The thing is, too often it really seems to sound the same, they have these screens that prompt them to say what they are told to say by small minded, (allegedly) men…

  • The truth about the Debates…

    When you think about how the media have allegedly subverted the debate process and turned it into an entertainment show instead of what it should be. What a Joke the Debates were this year, a series of shams perpetrated on people with weak minds. But you know what is really wrong with that last statement? …

  • Hurricane Sandy will it help drain the swamp?

    There is a growing concern that Hurricane Sandy may not be as serious as many in the media have attempted to depict it in news reports. You might think that the end of the world is near, but in reality a seriously damaging hurricane has not hit that area in many many years. You have…

  • liberal fox news comentators, suggest that only ohio matters?

    This morning a certain blond fox news commentator, (bobble head) made the suggestion that only Ohio matters in regard to the presidential election, how stupid is that?  So, what should we do cancel the elections for all the other states? Is it reasonable to believe that only one state matters in an election? The ignorant…

  • More Job Lies

    What is going on in this nation can we actually get the truth? Why are they Lying… Do they think that we are so stupid that we cannot tell when someone is lying…

  • Biased moderators how stupid are they?

    Its amazing how stupid the media really are, you watch and you wonder what they are thinking they seem to be so full of themselves that they just are unable to figure out that they are out of touch with reality.

  • 2 against one?

    Tonight we have seen something that is Amazing in fact It has never allegedly been done before. How is it possible that a debate could be schematized, in such a way that both the moderator and one of the debaters work together to influence the topics discussed how is this possible?  How can you actually…

  • Vote no matter what the media lies about next

    If you were a brain dead robot and you listened to what the media tell you… You would think that there is no need to have an election that Barack Obama, has already won and there is no need to leave your couch you can just sit there because its over. The media however are…

  • Romney Picks Ryan as VP

       The news was barely out when the Attack ads began to air, its interesting to watch the low ball politics that you see depicted and indicated in commercials, its really low and to be fair its just about as bad for both sides with an edge going to the democrats for being extra stupid…