Tag: serious

  • Border problems

    We have a problem, it is on our southern border. It is becoming serious, many of these people are infected with diseases that could threaten the public’s safety and ability to work. (You could make an argument that some of these people really refugees) The biggest problem is that many of these people are not…

  • IRS, Excuses, Missing Email,

    Could this be the beginning of what would be more serious than the missing moments in the watergate recordings. IRS Gate? Seems likely that there is criminal activity going on here.

  • Crisis in the Mid East…

    Unless you have been watching the regular media and not Fox news and the internet, then you may not be aware of the serious issues that have affected the middle east and the military concentration of armies that are massing around this area. So, its been a year?  Do you wonder about the ability of…

  • Tea Party Vs GoPee

    Oops, yes there is some serious mud slinging going on in Mississippi, where we have a good man but as they used to say years ago he has moss growing on his back. The Tea Party and the Gop are duking it out while the democrats sit back and laugh at how dumb, allegedly, the…

  • Health care reform

    Can  we ever figure out what is at the root of medical care that is not affordable not before the Affordable Care Act, it takes more than a piece of paper to reform a broken system of health care. We know that there are real and serious problems that are effecting our ability to get…

  • US election cycle 2014

    The political election process is heating up and it is beginning to look like the democrats are really going to face some serious problems. With leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, there is really no telling what will happen.

  • Corruption for Harry Reid?

    Is Harry Reid involved in corruption in politics? Corruption in politics is nothing new but in this day and age of economic difficulty and when so many are suffering with serious problems of life and limb, you have to ask should only politicians be rich and wealthy? Or should they be this wealthy? The democrats…

  • Bundy Ranch Standoff

    What you might not see going on behind the scenes, is something that the Media may not be prepared to report on. We have a serious situation, where men and women are prepared to stand their ground. The truth about this situation is something that may never be reported in the news media. What really…

  • sebelius resigns

    It could be said that not only was the Affordable Health Care Act a failure, but also those who were asked to implement the law were also failures. They failed to consider the fact that insurance companies would take advantage of the way the law was poorly structured. They failed to understand that we needed…

  • Common Core Contraversy

    Are you wondering just what the progressive agenda is and why it is so important to fix the problem? The truth is a serious issue that many people have come to understand is not the solution to America’s educational issues.  Common Core is a progressive agenda machine…