Tag: Senate

  • Gov Shutdown? The Truth?

    Perhaps you have noticed that the Media are all up in your face about how the Shutdown, is going to create horrible problems for everyone. But are they telling the truth or are they just Lying as usual? That is the thing that a lot of people want to know, Why is the media not…

  • Media Lies about Facts

    Why do you think that the Media seem to be so ignorant that they feel they can lie to the public? That seems like a stupid thing to do considering that the Media should be relying on Advertising in order to supplement its business. Any business must rely on revenue in order to succeed. If…

  • ShutDown Government..

    Harry Reid, refused to allow a vote on a Budget, he has done this numerous times, in fact were not sure how many times he has NOT done his job since becoming the leader of the Senate, we know that it is his job to do the business of the people, We know that he…

  • Defeat Dick Durban?

    You know there comes a time when politicians should just retire, We desperately need new people in congress people that have common sense, people that can think, people that are not prone to senility, when you look at these things you have to wonder who is voting for these people and why are they voting…

  • Gun Control BS

    It is amazing that we have Senators in Congress that are as ignorant as these seem to be. In some of the recent Tragedies where innocents were murdered by people who should have received care by the medical system and by the organizations for which they worked, yet were to somehow believe that more gun…

  • Why you cant repeal Obama Care

    Trying to Repeal Obama Care, AKA, the Affordable Care Act, is never going to help the health care system. The time to repeal it would have been as soon as they realized that Nancy Pelosi, was wrong about passing it so you could know what was in it. The reason why it needs to be…

  • Back Room Deals Dooming the Republic?

    Are we being sold out by politicians? Source, You might have heard that Senate Republicans “saved” the filibuster yesterday. But thanks to a reported backroom deal between John McCain and Harry Reid, the filibuster wound up effectively being a dead letter against the nominations in question. As I’ve told you, Harry Reid was threatening to…

  • Harry Reid should retire…

    There is a growing chorus in America, calling on the Leader of the Senate to do his job or quit.  

  • We need Leadership in the Senate.

    What is wrong with Harry Reid, why has he not done his job, why is he not passed a budget? Why is he getting paid when he has not done his job. There is something wrong with the Senate.  

  • The end of the Senate?

    Could this really be happening, in America. Will Senators, vote to allow one man, who may actually be unfit for duty, (allegedly) To wreck the constitution and to end America as we know it? Harry Reid is threatening to end the possibility of the Senate filibuster for all Presidential nominees as early as this week.…