Tag: Reminder

  • The Ultimate Double Standard

     Finding out what the truth is can be very hard to do.  Imagine for a moment that a corrupt media standard has led to what could be the most difficult problem ever to be examined under the light of day. An organization that is a reminder that Taxation without Representation is still in the Constitution.…

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • Fire in Tennessee

    Just a reminder, this is the worst place in the entire united states to live, one where you dont want to be… If this is the way that people in Tennessee, are, I sure dont want to live there, but to be fair, I really do not think that people in this state are like…

  • America

    In a nice email we received the following… You know it is time, time to stand up for what you believe, time to vote, get out and vote them out. Dear Patriot, I would first like to thank the thousands of great Patriots who have supported our campaigns. Thanks to you, we are now one…

  • Crow does it again

    Well after a long absence, from the public eye, the singer, or I guess she still sings, who knows for sure, sometimes you just have to say what are they thinking after a 2007 comment about using only one sheet of toliet paper, ( so we can save the trees ) Sorry, that is just…