Tag: New Business

  • Stock market Crash?

    Are we watching the Beginning of a second great depression and is there anything that can be done to prevent it? We could be about to witness what few people have seen in many years, a second great depression. But have we not learned from our past mistakes?   Perhaps there is a path to…

  • US Credit Rating now AA

    The handwriting is on the wall now, and if congress and the White-house do not take some action to get a flat tax in place, a capitol gains holiday to those individuals that hire and start a new business, (creating more jobs)  then the stock market will crash to what some are predicting will be…

  • Stock Market slide continues

    The Stock Market continues to loose value, leaving some with the odd sense that instability maybe the new order of the day. Some time ago you may remember that there was a wall street bail out, so where is that money now? Apparently, we are now in the same boat were would have been only…

  • 2012

    Health care repeal. A lot was accomplished in the mid term elections and politically things are beginning to heat up. Candidates are beginning to move into position to begin the long hard drive to win a nomination. This is sure to be an amazing and historic event, there are many indications that politically Washington may…