Tag: Media Bias

  • Politics in the Media

    Is the media is biased to the point of treason? In many ways, the media has begun to take over the process of elections, that would seem to be an indication that there is a big problem in the media, from bias to outright liars, in some cases we have seen liberals talking about things…

  • Media bias and Rick Perry

    Why do you suppose that the media does not like Rick Perry? Could it be that they are mostly liberal, and they not so secretly may not be at all interested in the common interests of the people. Could it be that they may secretly be Anti American and hate everythingthat America stands for, could…

  • Rick Perry

    Can Rick Perry win against the biased media. Can we ever elect another president if the Media does not back off and get out of the election process? If you believe what the allegedly very biased media says, then you may not be very well informed, in fact just about every media source out there…

  • Media influence

    Is there an Anti Rick Perry Bias in the Media? Can we continue to allow the media to influence the outcome of elections and call ourselves a democratic society?    Seems like every single media news company has some bone to pick with Rick Perry, is that fair and balanced? Media Bias, Media Influence, Media…

  • Fair Elections

    Can there be a fair election when the media takes part in the election process? I find that there are some serious issues in how the media covers election candidate. Should something be done to prevent the media from giving free coverage and free PR to certain Candidates while other candidates have to pay for…

  • media bias again?

    Can anyone beat the liberal media, and will Americans pay the price for evil men who have no conscious? Be very aware, we could be facing the second great depression very soon… This content was received in an email, (this contents are published here may not be the opinion of the owners of this website…

  • Media Bias the Third man in the ring?

    Should the media be banned from influencing the outcomes of elections? Should they be actively seeking to develop methods of influence and then charging large multi-national corporations, (which pay no taxes) to peddle that influence on a broadcast?  Opinion for sale to the highest bidder?   Is that news, Really? Is the media now a participant…

  • Media Bias, Media Ignorance?

    Is the media being fair in its coverage of this news story? Many people would like the answer to that question because it appears that they are making a lot out of nothing, is there really nothing else on to talk about? Is the media becoming the new threat to the American Dream? This headline,…

  • State of Florida Vs Casey Anthony Again?

    Warning….  You might have been brain washed by the media? It is possible that the media has “invented” the girl that everyone loves to hate, by using psychological words and phrases. Ok here we go again, a judge has ordered that Casey Anthony appear in a Florida Court to serve probation even after receiving many…

  • Media Bias

    The Media does not like the tea party, no surprise there as it has long been established that the media is not really that impartial in its reporting of the news, however it begs the question that should be something everyone is talking about, which is how can the media only present one side of…