Tag: Casey

  • State of Florida Vs Casey Anthony Again?

    Warning….  You might have been brain washed by the media? It is possible that the media has “invented” the girl that everyone loves to hate, by using psychological words and phrases. Ok here we go again, a judge has ordered that Casey Anthony appear in a Florida Court to serve probation even after receiving many…

  • Stupid Judges?

    Over the last few months the trial of Casey Anthony was a great demonstration of how not to prosecute a case. You saw evidence submitted that was not even scientifically sound, (an electronic sniffer gadget) which is based on some pretty shaky, scientific ground, it has been used effectively for detecting criminal actions, like the…

  • Bill orielly Anger?

    Bill is mad allegedly and bill is angry allegedly but could it all backfire on him and his popularity now that Glenn Beck is gone?   Bill orielly Judge Jury and executioner?   Bill is Angry why is that? Last night on national TV Bill continued his proscution, of Casey Anthony regardless that those that…

  • bill orielly spin?

    Apparently, Bill orielly is not happy about the way that the Casey Anthony trial went. that the State of Florida failed to prove in the Casey Anthony Death and Murder trial. Why is that? Is Bill a pinhead? I have to ask because it almost seems as if he is obsessed about this issue, and…

  • Fox news pandering to haters?

    Is fox news a Hater? You see several of the Bobble heads, that have commented over the last few days, have indicated an over all bias in the matter of the Casey Anthony Trial, many of these bobble heads have little or no experience in matters of the law, but have no trouble making allegedly…

  • judge pirro

    They say there is nothing like a woman scorned. Was pirro scorned by the Anthonys, and if so why is she allowed to spew hate on fox news? Is this woman being objective?   When you look at the insanity of an alleged maven of press, like this alleged judge, or perhaps an ex judge…

  • Casey Anthony Death Panel

    It seems as if when ever you see this news story on Fox which is practicly all the time these days, something negative is said, by the comentator, (I know they read it from a teleprompter) but why so negative, they use words to describe the defendant like agitated, stoney, steely, but is that really…

  • Casey Anthony not guilty

    Did the State of Florida over step its bounds? Why did the State of Florida choose to try to prove Murder when they could have proved, other things that would have kept her behind bars for a long time, why did they not see what was so obvious to everyone else? They wanted to take…

  • Pirro biased?

    Amazing stuff folks and when you look at this woman you can almost see the alleged hatred and spittle flying from her mouth, (allegedly) So what is going on with this strange and allegedly biased coverage of fox news? is there something wrong with this so called EX judge pirro? Why always the negative?  Ask…

  • Fox news hate?

    Is fox news promoting hate? Was fox new Guilty of Bias and Hatred in its coverage of this trial? Should fox news be shut down due to its emotional and allegedly biased hate filled speech? We saw alleged media Assignation, We saw Bobble heads that made un substantiated and often biased statements, unqualified opinions, and…