Tag: Actors

  • Media interferrance in 2012 election?

       So if you believe the media Obama has already won…   You Lie… Why the Media is getting away with Treason? Has the media gone out of its way to trouble and or interfere with the election cycle as a pundit, an opinionated slobbering malcontent that continually seeks to present one view while attempting…

  • Glenn Beck reduced to hawking

    Well now you know in some ways this may sound bad and for some people it really is bad. Mostly its allegedly bad for those people who end up buying this stuff, who knows for sure but you know I find it sort of like watching some of the older actors trying to sell all…

  • Arnold, and the end of days movie.

    With the prediction of the end of days, being the result of an elderly man who allegedly is likely senile, much of the media is contending in ways that would seem to be hostile to all Christians, which is sort of disappointing. Really I guess with everything that is going on in the world when…