Everything the Media wish you didn’t know is right here!

  • TSA Forces Cancer Survivor to remove Breast?

    You know what this is just plain stupid, yes you heard it right stupid. This woman has worked for many many years… 32 years. This is an Airline employee on her way to work. On her way to work. In a news story today a woman who worked many many years for an airline, was…

  • Censorship Bill Passed?

    The end of freedom, Is this the death of the Internet? Laws that make no sense, special interests in glossy detail. Will this one day be law? Will this be the day the Internet Died? Have they passed a bill that could be used to censor the internet, or even be abused in favor of…

  • Is rockefeller right?

    Should we all just shut up, show we all just go away if someone decides that we dont matter anymore. Is Rockie right, should the people be silenced if rich and powerful people do not like them? Should they eat cake? Should we censor everything and just remove the things that we do not like…

  • Oh Canada

    Is this the Hope and Change you wanted? In a recent alleged news story, An older Montreal Woman died while waiting for care, allegedly, in a Montreal Emergency Room, allegedly she had to wait six hours to see a doctor. The Woman’s family has filed a complaint but that will not take the pain away.…

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • Unions win special interests?

    what is it about the unions that they seem to always get the better end of the stick? We have to ask, Is Fox news a real news company? Why has fox news not covered this news story? What up, and why has Fox news failed to cover this news item, could it be that…

  • Body Scans is it crossing the line?

    The real reason behind this could be something nasty, but likely it is about power and how to irritate the American public, (allegedly) To hear accounts of some people when you decide to opt out, right away the Agencia of the TSA begin to Yell and in some cases Yell, (many say this is done…

  • black friday

    Now you do have to watch out, because there are some black Friday sales, and there are some that are not so great, use logic, when making a decision. black friday yes you can Just have a look there are some really great deals if you have been waiting on buying that super cool item,…

  • Sitting at the back of the Bus?

    What is wrong with the liberals. So the liberals are now saying that the republicans must do as they are told? The republicans have to sit at the back of the bus and do what they are told? Say What? Well that is what has been suggested by the liberals, that now that the republicians…

  • The end of liberty

    Are we facing the end of liberty as we know it? Are the liberals going to drive the car into the ditch?