Fox news not real news?

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Is fox news failing to meet the expectation of the consumer of hard news?

The idea that the 24 hour news cycle and its expected influence on voting habits of adult voters, is highly unlikely.

Today we noticed that during a fox news segment, that one of the bobble heads that do the news, either with a short short skirt, or a sort of strange grin on their faces, they try to make the news instead of reporting on it, it is really interesting to watch these people try to influence the tone and the treble of how the news is reported.

The topic they were trying to influence was that a certain candidate was polling higher than others.

What they failed to state was the source of the poll, the likely intent of the voter, the area where the voters were living, (ie voters who lived in a certain district in new york state) this is a problem when new personal present news that has allegedly been polluted by bias.

When you fail to provide a basis of hard news fact checking you produce substandard news, (if you can call it that at all)

So is fox news, really about the news or is it about what the bobble heads think the news should be about.

When you consider it, you have to think about how the reality of the news should be presented not the way you personally feel about the news but the way that the facts dictate.

Facts are real not opinions, the problem is that in many situations fox news allows the opinon of the reporter to color the news story.