Fake media fact checking ?

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Is there anything that the media will not lie to you about?

Seriously think about it.

Is there anything that these Fake Media outlets will not choose to spin into something that they think is a (Fact Checking website)

Watch as you see what Snopes.com does when confronted with the truth of the Holocaust.

Snopes basically states that the following was not related to the issue of the taking away of all guns from the peoples of these nations before millions of people were murdered.  Does that sound right?

So if you were to apply the same logic that snopes applies to its so called “FACT CHECKING” then they are saying that the Holocaust is mostly false.   Snopes is splitting hairs in order to present a mostly biased conclusion by making a distinction here about how the words Gun and Control are defined…

They Deny the truth about the extermination of millions of people…

That cannot be true?

No, it is not true but here is the problem with how snopes chooses to make distinctions in how it defines Gun Control.

That is the real problem here and it is something that exposes Snopes as BIASED.

They admit the Fact that guns were taken away from a peaceful population just prior to a mass murder event where hundreds of thousands of people were murdered and guess what most of them were murdered by Guns…

Snopes makes a distinction that is bias.

Here is the lie. 

“Gun control” isn’t synonymous with gun confiscation; in some cases where genocides took place, the gun laws in force had existed for years, even decades; evidence does not demonstrate a causal link between gun control and mass exterminations.

So what is the problem with snopes?

They tell you that Gun Control is not the same as Gun confiscation…

Is that true?

No it is false so in this case Snopes lied to you. 

Call it whatever you want to call it, Gun Confiscation, Gun Control, Gun licensing, Guns just for the elite who will later choose to murder you with those guns that were too dangerous for you to have but not for them. 

So in essence here what we have is a publication that is obviously biased and they are in favor of Gun Control. 

They are fine with the government taking your guns away. 

They feel that the world would be so much better without guns. 

The real problem here is that those same people that run snopes that own it and that support it are the same people that have hired guards with guess what “Drum Roll Please”  Armed Guards or in many cases they actually own guns too.

They just do not want you to have the right to own a gun. 

Typical liberal organization. 

So if you want to do some fact checking do not depend on snopes or other organizations that have a bias because you will not get the truth from them.