Category: constitution

  • Gun Bans will not help

    In so many ways we can learn from this, yet, for the most part since Prayer was taken out of schools we have seen a steady increase in violence, is it a coincidence? What happened this Saturday was a tragedy but it could have been prevented had they only had a minimal security detail. That…

  • Join the NRA ?

    What do you mean? Well this might sound insane but Gun control has been tried and it failed. However, the liberals once again want to try out Gun Bans and Gun control even after it has been proven to be a failure, just like Health care run by the government has failed in every country…

  • Back to the constitution

    In times of trouble we have always returned to the values of the past, because they work. Will the Republicans do as they have vowed to do, Read the Constitution of the United States of America? It is appropriate that we find our way back to what made this nation the strongest nation on the…

  • Body Scans is it crossing the line?

    The real reason behind this could be something nasty, but likely it is about power and how to irritate the American public, (allegedly) To hear accounts of some people when you decide to opt out, right away the Agencia of the TSA begin to Yell and in some cases Yell, (many say this is done…

  • Change you can believe in

    Crazy yet allegedly it is true, so why and more importantly why would you want to do this. Billions in Wasted money… Millions of jobs lost forever. Ban on Oil Drilling equals price of gas going up and up and up. This is the change you voted for or is this something else? In 2008…

  • could the polls be wrong?

    We may not know for some time yet, but one thing for sure, I believe there will be a lot of surprised people soon. Many people wonder about how polls are done, for the most part, it is about as scientific as counting how many people it takes to change a light bulb, wait thats…

  • Kagan will we loose our liberty under this woman.

    Will Kagan be able to work with real judges? Is this the end of the supreme court? Will they allow the janitor to be a judge next, perhaps it would be better if they did, I would trust the janitor…  To do the right thing…. Kagen is not qualified to serve and that is the…

  • Oil leak problems

    News this morning alleges, that BP, or the company that is in charge of issuing checks have stopped payment on some checks allegedly, or just failed to pay others, is this true? After the President came out and made promises, will they be kept? The problems that America faces is significant, it could be up…