budget nightmare

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$1.3 trillion deficit for 2011, could be the largest shortfall in the more than 60 years.

Are we about to face a financial crisis that is beyond the imagination of Americans?

They can play the blame game but over all most Americans know what the score is here, liberals are ruining this nation, or at least they are trying to ruin this nation, with their spending habits, we need a superman not a clark kent.

While that might seem a little humorous, the truth is that we need a man who can stand up and do the right things for this nation, and its people, that means making sometimes though decisions that make sense.

Not allowing a small fish, to put 50,000 people out of work, or to cause billions in damages to farms due to a lack of water in california all because of what a small minnow? Really? That is the hope and change you voted for in 2008 to see unemployment up as high as 14 percent in some states and likely higher in the near future?

That is hope and change?

We need a real man to stand up and get back the jobs that have been sent over seas, we need a man that can stand up to large nations that are not friendly to the US, it must be done otherwise we will find ourselves the slaves of others.