Arlen Specter Gone…

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I hate to say this, but, yes, your read it right, we told you so, we predicted this and it has come to pass, Specter, put his entire political career on the line, and switched parties, we said he would be voted out, and he was.

We said that the liberals would abandon him and they did, they walked away.

That is what you can expect from the liberals, they dont care about anyone…

Arlen Specter, has been voted out, you remember we predicted this would happen, when arlen went out and became a modern day Benedict Arnold, So here we go…  America is sick and tired of the old dogs that are up in Washington, 30 years, in DC that was wrong…

The founding fathers, never meant for this to happen, because power corrupts, this is the best reason for term limits that I can think of and you know what America is reaching out and letting these perverts know that time is running out.

You will be voted out….

You will be asked to leave…

Pack your stuff…

We are tired of this stuff and we are sick of it, the media bias is disgusting…

2010 Vote them out…