An ounce of prevention

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Benjamin Franklin once said that

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

How true that is, with regard to the most recent congressional circus and caucus, you have to wonder, just what they really are doing up there, Liberals on some of the news stations, blaming one side or the other, for the stock market crash, (which may continue today) Liberal media Bias coming out in newspapers, like the Atlanta Journal Constitution, subjectively making unsubstantiated, statements, that reek of yellow journalism. I wonder myself just how effective our congress can be, with the liberal media pronouncing judgment, upon everything and everyone they do not like or agree with, you have to wonder, just how long people will continue to watch the commercials that they depend upon to meet their expenses.

There may be a fine line between what was once considered news and what we see today as a circus with no borders.

Congress should NOT influenced by the media?

But how many of them can resist the opportunity to bathe in the warmth of the lime light?

You have to wonder just what they are thinking and even then are they completely influenced by the media?

probably not, because they intend to twist and turn and spin and if that does not work they will outright lie to the American people, seems like advertisers might be hard to find, in such situations, who would want to advertise on a network that tells lies? The thing here is this, could it have been prevented by the Cap, Cut and Tax bill? What, you meant the Cap Cut and Balance Bill right, yes, of course, your right but perhaps that should be the bill that is offered, the thing was that there is a fringe liberal in the senate, that has little or no real constituency, if you could recall a senator, would it not be one of the best things to do in this case?

Still preventing this financial mess is what this is all about right? Crisis, Crisis, Crisis, if you don’t act then more Crisis, well it looks like crisis is here and nothing has been changed, where is the prevention? It seems hard to understand when your looking at it as the three ring circus it really is. This 2012 election it is time to vote anyone out of office that voted for this garbage, that the senate pushed upon us that caused this problem, be they democrat, Liberal or otherwise or Republicans.